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- Title:
- Everything you wanted to know about Software and Business Method Patents but were afraid to ask
- Date:
- April 12th, 2012
- Time:
- 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm EDT
Key items to be presented and discussed in an open conversation will be:
- best practices to obtain patents on software and business methods;
- what makes software and business method patents unique
- defending your company against non-practising-entities asserting software and business method patents
Christopher Van Barr, Partner Ottawa
James Longwell, Partner, Toronto
Grant Tisdall, Partner, Toronto
Peter Milne, Partner, Hamilton
This program will count for up to 1.5 Substantive hours toward the mandatory CPD requirement of the Law Society of Upper Canada. It will not count for Professionalism or New Member credits. Accreditation by the Barreau du Québec is pending.